代写BSBCMM401 Make a presentation – Assessment
代写BSBCMM401 Make a presentation – Assessment
BSBCMM401 Make a presentation – Assessment
Submission details
The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer.
See procedure and task specifications below for details.
You must submit a printed copy of your answers.
Submit printed copy of required evidences (your answers) to your Trainer with the "Assessment Cover Sheet" (Filled out and signed appropriately) attached on top of your documents.
The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers of appropriate quality or if further clarification required and to validate authenticity of your submitted work.
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Assessment Description:
This assessment task requires you to develop a plan for a presentation on a topic of your choice. You should select your topic up to two weeks before the planned presentation date to allow for planning time. You are required to prepare using methods that match the characteristics of the target audience, location, and resources required. The length of the presentation will be 15 minutes.
You are also required to plan the feedback methods using an appropriate evaluation method. Procedure
1. Select a topic relevant to your occupation or personal interests, such as marketing, training or promotions. Choose a topic you know very well and that you find very easy to talk about so that you can focus on the method and manner of presenting, rather than the content.
2. Negotiate a date and time for your presentation with your assessor.
3. Develop a written plan for your presentation. You may use the template provided at the end of this assessment task (See Appendix 1). Ensure you include:
a. audience profile identification
b. desired outcome and purpose
c. presentation strategies to suit your audience
d. presentation materials and aids
e. structure of presentation including –
i. time allocation
ii. key concepts and ideas
iii. resources required
iv. persons involved/responsible
f. legislative, regulatory and organisational requirements
g. evaluation techniques.
4. Select or create any presentation aids you will need as part of the presentation. You may use one or more from this list:
a. computer simulation or presentation
b. diagrams, charts and posters
c. models
d. overhead projector/data projector (identify responsibility of third parties, e.g. operators)
e. paper-based materials (handouts)
f. video and audio recordings
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g. whiteboard or flip charts.
5. Prepare feedback materials (e.g. questionnaire – you may adjust the one provided as Appendix 2).
6. Prepare communication to brief people involved and send emails with required information.
You must submit:
● a copy of your presentation plan (template)
● a copy of any material used to aid your presentation
● a brief for others involved in the presentation
● a copy of any surveys or questionnaires prepared/modified to collect feedback.
Your assessor will be looking for:
● a presentation plan that identifies the intended outcomes
● choice of presentation strategies (aids), format and delivery methods matching the characteristics of the target audience, location, and resources required
● briefing paper for others involved in the presentation, including a list of regulatory and organisational obligations and requirements relevant to presentations (e.g. safety, privacy)
● demonstration of knowledge of the principles of effective communication
● evidence of seeking feedback to develop ideas for the planned presentation.
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Appendix 1: Presentation planning template Title of presentation:
Audience profile:
Desired outcome and purpose of the presentation:
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Presentation strategies to suit audience needs and purpose:
(Room layout, opportunities for engagement) Legislative, regulatory and organisational requirements:
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Evaluation techniques:
Time Content Resources
Person responsible:
Body – point 1
Person responsible:
Body – point 2代写BSBCMM401 Make a presentation – Assessment
Person responsible:
Body – point 3
Person responsible:
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Conclusion/Summary/Call to action
Person responsible:
Key (Use the following symbols as prompts for certain actions.)
! emphasise
link to
graphic #1
check time
link back to
call for questions
ask for comments
Appendix 2: Sample feedback questionnaire
Your Name (optional)
Presentation Title
Candidate’s Name
Presentation Date /Time
1 = strongly disagree 2= disagree 3 = unsure 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree
An overview was given
The content was organised logically
The main points were backed up with evidence
The presenter understood the content
I was able to follow all the points made
The presenter:
● was well-groomed
● spoke clearly
● stood and moved with purpose
● used vocal techniques to create interest
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● engaged the audience through eye contact
● developed rapport with the audience
The layout of the room assisted delivery
Presentation aids supported the content
The delivery method held my attention
Visual material was well constructed and added to the presentation
The presenter handled Q&A session effectively
The presenter finished on time
Aspects of the presentation that were effective included:
Aspects that were not effective included:
To improve the effectiveness of future presentations the presenter could:
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